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Dr Eduardo Calonje graduated from the Universidad del Valle in Cali, Colombia followed by training in Clinical Pathology in the same institution. This was followed by a Dermatopathology Fellowship in Cardiff, Wales with a scolarship from the British Council and a Visiting Fellowship in Dermatopathology under Dr Daniel Santa Cruz in St Louis, Missouri, USA. After this he became a Senior Registrar in Dermatology and Dermatopathology at St John’s Institute of Dermatology, St Thomas Hospital in London, United Kingdom where he trained in both specialties for 4 years under Professor E Wilson-Jones, Dr N.P. Smith and Dr Phillip McKee. During this time he obtained the Diploma in Dermatopathology from the Royal College of Pathologists after being the first person to successfully pass the exam when it was launched. For two years after this he did a fellowship in soft tissue tumours under Dr Chris Fletcher.In 1996 he was appointed consultant dermatopathologist and honorary senior lecturer in dermatology at the Institute of Dermatology and since 2002 he has been Director of Dermatopathology at the same institution.


Dr Calonje is a council member of the section of Dermatology of the Royal Society of Medicine, the council of the British Division of the International Academy of Pathology, President of the British Society of Dermatopathology and examiner for the Diploma in Dermatopathology for the Royal College of Pathologists.

He has contributed multiple chapters to major textbooks in Dermatology and Dermtopathology including Fletcher’s Diagnostic Histopathology of Tumours (since the 1st ed), Lever’s Histolopathology of the skin (from the seventh edition), Rook’s Textbook of Dermatology (since the 6th ed) and is a co-editor of the 4th edition of McKee’s Pathology of the Skin. He is co-editor of Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, Histopathology and The British Journal of Dermatology.

He has been involved in over 200 publications in the fields of dermatology, dermatopathology and soft tissue tumours. Dr Calonje has the largest referral practice for dermatopathology in the United Kingdom and organizes three courses every year including a residential one week course in London, an annual Update in Dermatopathology and a two hour weekly advanced course in dermatopathology that runs throughout the year in London. He frequently lectures abroad and has organized dermatopathology courses for the British Division of the AIP in India, Bosnia and Sri Lanka.



Professor Bostjan Luzar graduated at the Medical Faculty University of Ljubljana, Slovenia in 1993. After completing his residency in pathology, he became a consultant pathologist at the Institute of Pathology University of Ljubljana, Slovenia in 1998. Dr Luzar received his PhD degree in the field of Pathology in 2001 at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. He was elected Head of the Dermatopathology Department at the Institute of Pathology, Medical Faculty University of Ljubljana in 2006 and holds this position up to present.


Following his residency, he has further advanced his knowledge in Dermatopathology at several international renowned institutions. He completed a Dermatopathology fellowship with Dr Eduardo Calonje at the Department of Dermatopathology, St John’s Institute of Dermatology, St Thomas’s Hospital in London.


He has published in excess of 70 SCI-indexed scientific papers in peer-reviewed international journals. He has co-authored three chapters for the book McKee’s Pathology of the skin, 4th edition, has contributed one chapter for the forthcoming edition of the book Pathology of the head and neck, 2nd edition and has co-authored the forthcoming Atlas of Soft Tissue Tumours of the Skin. He is currently serving as the editor of the Acta Dermatovenerologica Alpina, Pannonica and Adriatica journal and has reviewed for several international journals mainly devoted to Dermatopathology and Pathology.


Dr Luzar has been a member of the European Society of Pathology, the Dermatopathology Working Group of the European Society of Pathology, the Slovenian Association for Pathology and Forensic Medicine and the Chair of Pathology at the Institute of Pathology, medical faculty in Ljubljana, where he also serves as a senior lecturer in Pathology. He has been the Chief Examiner for the Diploma in Pathology in Slovenia.



Péter Holló

Csaba Gyömörei

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